Western Massachusetts Venture Forum "Where Ideas Meet Money" ™Now, just the Facts
Up and Coming Forum: Tues, Mar 26nd, 5:30pm at AICMoneyTree Survey Review The Latest Report on VC Investments & Who is Getting Them
Featured Speaker:
Rajan Parmeswar, Partner, PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP Business Plan Presentation
David Wigder, CEO, ZOGRAPH Zograph has developed a universal platform for 3D digital imaging. Program - REVISED - Starts at 5:30 PM:
5:30 p.m.Registration/Networking and STCC Student Business Exhibits 6:00 p.m.One minute pitches by entrepreneurs 6:15 p.m.Featured Speaker 7:00 p.m.Plan Presentation 7:30 p.m.Panel Critique & Comments 7:45 p.m.Your Questions
More Details and flyer for printing (PDF format) Put on your calendar - Upcoming Forums: May 21, 2002
If you have an idea for a new business (or to grow one you own),the resources to invest in a venture or want to learn about how businesses are grown, don't miss this chance to see ideas and money meet!
The Western Massachusetts Venture Forum is here to promote entrepreneurial activity and economic growth in Western Masssachusetts and Northern Connecticut.
There is an admission charge of $5 for members and $10 for non-members.
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